domingo, 7 de dezembro de 2008

A Quiet Revolution?

The book “In Rythm” has been used by an English language institute and show us the text “A quiet revolution?”. This text focus the divorce rates rise into differents countries since Sweden, Denmark, France, United Kingdom, Spain etc.

Even in Italy where the families were always traditionally, there are a huge increase of “divorce culture”. In the “A quiet revolution?” relates about a new revolution therefore the new changes inside the family’s core as well as families are getting smaller.

Anyway, the same text relates the births outside marriage and about children have been living with only parent. So, the question is focusing in the families around all the word and the thoughts around marriage that is becoming less important among young people.
MOOR, Peter; CUNNINGHAM, Sarah. In Rhythm: class book 1. England: Pearson, 2005.
By Adriana Nascimento ; ]

Lesson Plan with Games

Describing Appearances & Characteristics of People
Goal: The student will be able to speak about characteristics.
Level: Easy to Medium (Low to low intermediate).

Each student is then give one sheet of paper. One student sits at the front of a room. He/she describes a person and the rest of the class draws the person being described.
It is more interesting if the person being described is known by everyone. Once the student has finished describing that person then he/she reveals who it is and each student shows his/her drawing. The laughter from this is hilarious as the impressions tend to make the character in question look funny.

It is a good idea to encourage students to ask the interviewer student questions about who they are describing.

By Adriana Nascimento

quinta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2008

Lesson Plan with Music - "No Doubt-Don't Speak."

Subject: Present Continuous
Goal: Recognize the Present Continuous.

*Introduce differents kind of music as punk, heavy metal and reggae.
*Ask to students identify each styles.
*Ask about what kind of music they like most.
*Give them a kind of interview in the Schedule.
*Let them ask each others.

"How popular is live music in your country? When was the last time you went to a concert or live show?
What kind of music do you like? Is there any kind of music that you can't stand?
What types of music do people listen to in your country? Is there any type of music that you can only hear in your country?
Do you play a musical instrument? What instrument? Did you take lessons?
How many CDs do you own? What kind of music do you have the most of?
Do you listen to music on the radio? How often? Do you have a favorite station? Why do you like this station?
What musician would you most like to meet? Why?
Do you prefer music in English or in your own language? Why?
Why do you think English language music is so popular? Can a band be a worldwide hit if they don't sing in English?
Do you like to sing? Have you ever sung karakoe?
Do you ever like to listen to loud music? When?
Do you listen more to words or lyrics? How is this different in your native language and in other languages?
Do you think CDs will ever become obsolete? What will replace them?
How has your opinion of good music changed over your lifetime? Is there anything you liked years ago that you would not like now?"

*Introduce the music from No Doubt - Don’t Speak.
*Let them listening.the music following the lyrics.
*Ask the students what do they comprehend about the lyrics.
*Make discussions about what kind of relations inside the lyrics: friendship, dating etc.
*Recognize the Present Continuous inside the Lyrics and highlight them.

By Adriana Nascimento

quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008

Plano de Aula para o ensino de LI com Informática.

Aqui deixo uma sugestão de LP para uma aula de Inglês com informática que foi realizado com uma turma do 2º ano no CEMAB (Centro de Ensino Médio Ave Branca) no Estágio Supervisionado em Taguatinga-DF. A Turma era formada por 35 alunos entre 15 e 17 anos com nível básico de conhecimento em LI. O tema da aula era o Past Perfect Continuous. A aula foi realizada no laboratório da escola.

Aquecimento: Emotions

- Apresentar um tipo de internet smileys em datashow;
- O aluno identificará sua característica/humor correspondente;
- Estimular o aluno a sugerir a definição em L.I.;
- Apresentar um site ( com diversos smileys;
- Os alunos deverão reproduzir smileys usando microsoft word;
- Identificar o colega para quem será reproduzido os smileys;
- Minimizar a tela.


1º momento
- Introdução do novo conteúdo;
- Listar verbos sugeridos pelos alunos no quadro;
- Relembrar o Simple Past usando os verbos listados;
- Selecionar um aluno e orientá-lo para escrever sentenças no quadro com ajuda dos colegas; (+ 15 min)
- Os alunos deverão transcrever as sentenças no Microsoft Word; ­(+ 5 min)

2ª momento:
- Introduzir o Past Perfect Continuous por meio de projeção de imagens, utilizando PowerPoint;
- Os alunos deverãm distinguir o Simple Past do Past Perfect Continuous por meio das sentenças que serão apresentadas; (+ 10 min)

3º momento:
- Apresentar os sites que serão realizadas as atividades
Ao fim da aula os alunos deverão trocar entre si por meio de e-mail as atividades.

3- Avaliação:
Acompanhar e Checar as atividades.

By Adriana Nascimento

Informática Aplicada ao Ensino de Língua Inglesa: À procura de autonomia e colaboração.

O avanço tecnológico também chegou às escolas. Por meio dos laboratórios de informática por exemplo, conseguimos inserir disciplinas que ajudam o aluno no desenvolvimento e na produção de conhecimento. Daí, contamos com essa ferramenta à nosso favor.
No ensino da língua Inglesa, professores contam com o auxilio da web para produzir excelentes aulas inserindo assim a disciplina no contexto atual, real e com isso próximo da realidade do aluno. Na contra-mão temos professores que ainda não se utilizam de tamanho suporte por resistência, por descaso ou por falta de conhecimento de como fazê-lo.
A autonomia do ensino de Inglês por meio da informática parece estar ainda distante, em contra partida a colaboração já é fato consumado.

By Adriana Nascimento.

O professor da Língua Inglesa no XXI.

Em tempos pós modernos, onde a tecnologia é visívelmente encontrada no dia-a-dia em nossas vidas nos dando uma gama de suportes, podemos entender que na área de educação, e em especial no ensino de línguas, cada vez mais encontramos professores engajados no ensino da LE.
O acesso a materiais diversos proporcionados por sites por exemplo, que são voltados diretamente para área de línguas; o compartilhamento de idéias para produção das aulas por meio de livros, revistas e publicações que priorizam o desenvolvimento do professor de Inglês reforçam o aprimoramento no ensino de LI. Hoje, se percebe que existem pontes que facilitam os caminhos para que o professor de inglês não se acomode à rotina das aulas com seus alunos, transformando assim, o ensino da LI mais agradável e estimulante.

By Adriana Nascimento

quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2008

"The Gift of the Magi" - I recommed It. ; )

In The The Gift of the Magi O.HENRY wrote about a
young couple that lived in poverty, but the essence about love, innocence, sacrifice mixing any kind of foolish give us a beautiful story inside a small mistakes. Anyway, Della and Jim got over the difficulties in their lives together. The narrator’s point of view about Jim and Della is base on this line “…these two were the wisest” because they sacrificed to each other. Therefore, their love was unconditionally. As Della and Jim were living in small flat, well-kept carefully and clear. The narrator describe all that things which belongs them as such as the mirror, the window, the kitchen, the table near the door, the stairs. Then, the narrator show us three points of view Della, Jim at last himself. Frequently the narrator makes interruptions with his opinions or thoughts.
The story explores Christmas Eve the day before the Christmas Day in New York City in the early 1900 hence give us a special atmosphere. There are connections between some biblical events and The Gift of the Magi, some elements were mixing in recent time. We can realize it the title and the story explore that allusion. In fact, the surprise ending is the most important event when both of them (Della and Jim) realized that the most important things isn’t the material gift but the love each other.

By Adriana Nascimento.

*This summary was produced to subject "American Literature II " in 2008.